20 May 2007 – Today my best friend and I together (2 Couple) having a trip to Cameron. We start our journey since morning. Before climb up to Cameron highland, we decide to have a stop at Ipoh town for our lunch. (Well…can say is breakfast + lunch) ^^
The shop we visit is call Ipoh Old Town Kopitiam (怡保旧街场咖啡店) located at Ipoh Old Town of course.
The shop looks quite old, but you can see quite lots of people queuing up for order foods, waiting for seat and take away order. Beside old folks, there are quite lots of youngster sitting here having their MMMmmm…. Smelling good aroma white coffee while having their roti bakar or noodles together.
Below is some of the food we order.
The famous Ipoh Old Town White Coffee
Roti Bakar with Egg & Sausage (Cute isn't it =D )
(Kueh Tiew) Hor Fun Noodles with Yong Dao Fu – Dried Type (干捞河粉)
(Kueh Tiew) Hor Fun Noodles with Yong Dao Fu – Soup Type (清汤河粉)
Ju Cheong Fun (猪肠粉) (Ooops.... almost forget to took this picture =P )
All item above are sold separately by different stalls located in the kopitiam shop itself.
Price ? Hmm... of course is cheap too... But sorry i forget the price because this trip is quite some time ago. (By the way, i never think of come out a blog like this before..So, some post might not complete... Hmm maybe any of you who from Ipoh can give some comments about the price and other information regarding on this shop...)
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